Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Las Hortensias

Cuando empeze a leer las Hortensias me parecio un libro cualquier. No porque era mal escrito es que no me agarro desde las primera paginas. Mientras lei mas y mas me di cuenta de era simplemnte un cuento sobre un loco. Desde hay me empezo a gustar pero es una desgracia que mas de la mitad del libro me la pase completamente perdida y confundida.

No entendi a Horacio y sus amores y obsesseiones con esas munecas. Even before the book revealed the full extent of his love for Hortensia and his desire to convert her into his lover I suspected something wasn't quite right. The way he perceived the dolls, the machine's noises he claimed to hear, and so on. Perhaps one of the most bizarre things in my opinion was the stories he would make up about the dolls. On example that particularly caught me for a moment was the doll surrounded by the sponges because of her supposed desire to cleanse her sins. I almost believe that Horacio as projecting his own desire to be cleansed but truth be told I'm not sure. The story was simply to bizarre for me to form concrete opinions.

Even if sometime in the text someone comments on how a sculptor could fall in love with his own sculpture (perhaps alluding to Horacio and the dolls) how could he transfer the love for Maria that seemed to genuine to an inanimate object? It seemed he had a desire to make the dolls ore human (specially with the hot water) but I just don't understand why?

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